Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Assessment Activities

Paragraph 1: Why do you use assessment activities? How do you assessment activities as a way to generate feedback that can improve learner performances?
Assessments are used to evaluate the students’ skills and knowledge. The information gained can be used to increase students’ performance in the classroom. These assessments also help us to evaluate and understand the strengths and weaknesses of students and educators. These assessments show the obvious problem areas of the students, but if it is shown in a majority of the students the educator needs to reevaluate his or her teaching strategy or style. If the evaluation is poor in a certain area then the educator needs to try a different teaching strategy to try and get the concept through to the students. It also reflects how the students are learning. This also can show which areas need to have improvements made or extra attention to that particular skill set which can eventually improve the performance.

Paragraph 2: What is e-portfolio? How does it help teachers and students? What are computer-based tests? Does the use of computer-based tests impact validity and reliability?
An e-portfolio is “a collection of digitized artifacts that could include video clips, graphics, sounds, or documents,” and can show a persons accomplishments. One way it can help is that it serves as an assessment of what a student has accomplished from the teachings. Computer-based tests are completed or scored by a computer. I do not believe they impact the validity or reliability. As long as the information provided by the educator then the tests should be an accurate assessment.

Paragraph 3: Conclusion:
I though this chapter was very interesting because it reinforced what was said when reading “Strategies for Planning Technology-Enhanced Learning Experiences” and performing my critique. It is important for educators to be able to accurately evaluate a students’ skills and advancement in their studies. It is equally important to have a different way to evaluate the students performance other than the standardized tests. Some students have test anxiety and therefore perform poorly on tests where others might just be having a bad day and perform poorly. This would not give an accurate view of the students capabilities. With the ever emerging tools available to us like the e-portfolio, it shows the activities that the teachers are teaching and the students are learning being successfully administered. I feel that by using these new technologies to our advantage it gives us a better gauge of where the student stands as far as aptitude.

Jonassen, David, Howland, Jane, Marra, Rose, and Crismond, David. (2008). Meaningful Learning with Technology. 217-39. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Copyright and Fair use Laws

Paragraph 1: Why do we have to respect copyrights and fair use rules? Why is that so important? How will you teach your students about this?
Paragraph 2: What is online safety and is it different from cyber bullying? How can we protect our students and ourselves from potential online predators?
Paragraph 3: What do you think about this week activities? Did you learn anything new?

Paragraph 1: Why do we have to respect copyrights and fair use rules? Why is that so important? How will you teach your students about this?
Copyright laws and fair use rules are there to protect everyone from abuse of the use of certain materials that are owned by individuals all the way up to corporations. The copyright laws were created for a reason, they protect the creations of individuals and corporations. The Fair use laws provide educators a little freedom for institutional purposes, but do not give them freedom to do whatever they want with the material. This is very important to know not only to protect the proprietor of the material but also set a good example to students on what they need to do in order to obey the laws and guidelines. The best way to teach students about the rules is to set examples and show them how it is done. The website you provided for us, Copyright Bay, was a helpful teaching tool. This would be a great program to use with students in an interactive setting. This would be a great way to keep students involved during a lecture setting.

Paragraph 2: What is online safety and is it different from cyber bullying? How can we protect our students and ourselves from potential online predators?
Online safety is different from online bullying. Online safety deals with protecting our children from online predators. It also protects them from getting into exploitation, sex offenders and sexual explicit videos. Cyber bullying, like its counterpart, bullying is bad in its own right. Online bullying is usually kids and adults being bullied by someone they know, for example their peers. We as educators and parents need to be aware of what is going on with our children with the use of so many social networks out there. We need to let them know if this is happening to them they need to let an adult know so that we can get them the help that they need and resolve the problem. We also need to let our kids know that people can make up stories online and deceive them on who they are.

Paragraph 3: What do you think about this week activities? Did you learn anything new?
To say the least this week was very interesting. I knew a lot about online safety and cyberbullying already; however, I did extend my knowledge of copyright laws that I didn’t learn in my business class. Taking the quiz my score said, “Good job you propeller head, or maybe you should go back and read the article! Your score is 90%” so I went back and checked out what I missed on the quiz. With all the information out they’re to assist us in our learning and teaching endeavors. After completing this assignment I know that I have probably broken some of the fair use and copyright laws.

Fryer, Wesley. Copyright 101 for Educators. 2003. Retrieved September 27, 2010.

Carnell, John. Bullying UK. Retrieved September 27, 2010.

CopyRight Quiz. Retrieved September 27, 2010.

Joilet, Francis. A Visit to Copyright Bay. 2002. Retrieved September 27, 2010.

National Center for Missing & Exploited Children and Boys & Girls Clubs of America. NetSmartz. 2010. Retrieved September 27, 2010.

U.S. Copyright Office. Copyright. 2010. Retrieved September 27, 2010.